ForosX is an online community that has become a meeting point for people interested in the world of escorts. It brings together escorts who advertise themselves (the website is also a directory of escorts ) and users of their services who find in the site not only a valuable source of information, but also a space in which to share their experiences.
The main objective of this forum for escorts and their clients or potential clients is to allow interaction between its different members.
The home page of the website warns that it contains "adult material" and invites the user to accept a series of terms.
The first of these refers to the age of the user. The user must be at least 18 years old. If he or she does not meet this requirement, the administrator of the website tells the user that he or she must leave the website.
Another of the terms expressed in that paragraph published in English warns of the need for the law in the locality of the country in which the user resides "to ensure that it is not illegal to read and publish content of an adult nature on the Internet."
Having made these warnings, the administrator specifies that the rates published on the website refer only to the company. He then states: "If anything different occurs, it is strictly understood that it will be a matter of choice between two consenting adults and is not related to any rate."
With this indication, the administrators of the page try to indicate that the content that appears on has nothing to do with the provision of sexual services in exchange for money. In other words: that is not a prostitution advertising page.
Let's see below what are the different sections that we can find in ForosX.
ForumsX Sections
If we look at the ForosX home page, we will see that, at the top right of the screen, we are offered 6 tabs that are six possibilities to choose from. These six tabs, visually integrated in a red strip that crosses the entire screen from left to right, are:
- Forums
- Experiences
- Escorts
- Barcelona
- Madrid
- Tarragona
The names of these sections are sufficiently explicit, but we will explain below what we can find in each of them.
In the Forums section, as its name suggests, registered users can find conversations held between forum members and also escorts who publish a profile on the website.
In the Experiences section we can find a panel with different photos of escorts. The photos are accompanied by the name of the escort and a number that, from 0 to 100, indicates the girl's rating. Simply click on the photo or the name of the escort to enter the experience that some user has wanted to share about their relationship with the escort.
Inside each card we find the following information:
- Date on which the assessment was carried out.
- City.
- Beauty score from 1 to 5.
- Service score from 1 to 5.
- Average between beauty and service (from 1 to 5).
- User name/alias.
- Number of times the experience has been viewed.
The experience also assesses the escort's apartment and provides information about the rate, the duration of the service, whether or not the escort's breasts are natural, whether or not she smokes, whether or not she kisses, whether she does French (oral service) and what type, and whether she offers Greek or anal sex.
The profile also includes the experience narrated by the escort's client, as well as the option to add an experience with the girl or to see if there are comments on the forum about her.
Registration on the site is free and the administrators of the site warn forum members and users that messages posted on the site may not be obscene, vulgar, hateful, threatening, sexually oriented or in any way violate the rules of the site and current laws. Assuming the inability to review all posted messages, the administrators of ForosX warn that they will not be held responsible for any message, understanding that these only express the point of view of their author.
Finally, the owners of X Forums reserve "the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic for any reason."
ForosX: a directory of escorts
As we have indicated above, ForosX is also a directory of luxury escorts . To access this directory, simply click on the "Escorts" option on the home page. This gives us access to a screen in which the cover photos of the featured profiles of the different escorts advertised on the website are displayed on the left side of the screen. On the right side of the screen we find the cover photos that we already found in the Experiences section and that allow us to access them.
The cover photos of the escorts are accompanied by the following information: name, age, rate and city in which they provide their services. The cities listed on ForosX are basically three: Madrid, Barcelona and Tarragona.
Clicking on the photos of the featured escorts will take you to their profile or advertisement. Here we find the information we had already seen on the cover, plus a presentation text, a series of personal details (measurements, weight, languages spoken, hair colour, where they provide services...). The escort's profile or advertisement also indicates the availability of the escort and the services they provide, as well as the telephone number to contact them and a form to send them a message.
The profile also contains various photographs of the escort and her detailed rates.
ForosX, as a directory of luxury escorts , offers on its home page the option of accessing the selection of escorts from Madrid , Barcelona and/or Tarragona. Those who wish to contact an escort from Barcelona will only have to click on the option dedicated to the City of Counts on the home page to access the profiles of the luxury companions in BCN . And the same, in this case, for those who click on the Tarragona option. The website will offer, in this case, the directory of escorts from Tarragona .